Friday, July 25, 2008

The scan worked!

So we went back to Hanger today and they did another scan to try and a perfect mold of Grady's head and finally after 4 scans we got it right. Lets face it we have an active 7 month old boy! He kept wanting to see the red light and figure out what it was. I took his Bumbo seat so that he would be a little more still and I fed him sweet potatoes while they did the scan so that I could redirect his head with the spoon. IT WORKED!!! We should get the helmet in on Tuesday and start the breaking in process. I ordered some Virginia Tech stickers today to decorate it (getting ready for football season)
Grady gets to go to his first kids birthday party tomorrow. My youngest nephew just turned 3. We have a great family!

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well, we were told that they helmet would be in this week sometime but I had not heard anything as of yesterday afternoon so I emailed our Orthotist. I received an email this morning saying that the first scan did not work so we will have to go back in sometime after 10 to do another scan. They will send the scan in while we are in the office and make sure that everything goes through properly.
I wish that we have know earlier that it did not work but now we cannot get in until tomorrow at 2:15. They said that once it is in we should have the helmet in 2 days. I just want to get this process started because he is now almost 7 months old. I am a bit discouraged.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Today was the day of the evaluation with Hanger Prosthetics and everything went well. They were able to get a fitting for Grady's helmet with a 3D image so there was no casting involved (thankfully.) They did have to do the scan more than one time because of the degree of flatness on the back of his head and because lets face it he is an active little boy. We got him still by holding a bottle in his mouth and letting them scan.
Our insurance has already been denied so now we are going to be paying out of pocket. But, the total price of the helmet, 3D scan and follow up fittings have come to a total of $1700 plus whatever we have to pay at the specialist office for the few check ups he will have there.
The helmet has been ordered and it should be in next week and we will break him into wearing it as follows:
Day 1: 1 hour on 1 hour off
Day 2: 2 hours on 1 hour off
Day 3: 4 hours on 1 hour off
Day 4: 6 hours on 1 hour off
Day 5: 6-8 hours on 1 hour off
Day 6: 8 hours of the day and all night
Day7: Begin wearing 23 hours of the day
After getting the helmet we will have to watch for sores to come up on his head and if any appear we will can the Dr. Office. We will go back after 1 week and then 2 weeks later then we will start going 1 time a month.

Grady handled today appointment very well and was showing off for the people in the office. He is truly a flirt and was showing everyone how fun he can be. I just hope that he will be comfortable during this process. I will post some pictures of the back of his head now so that we can all see the improvements.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Just a Few Fun Pictures

Opps I got caught!

I love kisses from my daddy

Everybody say Cheese!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Beginning

When our son was born we were immediatly blessed. After the long labor process only to end up in a C-Section we were finally able to hold our little boy whom we had prayed for, dreamed about, and talked to for months. I remember holding him in my arms and crying in the hospital as I prayed for God to put his MIGHTY hands around him. I held him so close and knew that God was holding our family just as close. We have cherished every step that we have been through from the first smile, laugh, real food, roll over, tooth, sitting up, and all the hugs and kisses. Each time we see him meet a milestone and pass it ever so quickly we wonder where has the time gone.

When Grady was born we had noticed that the back of his head was not rounding out like my 3 nephews has done. It seemed at little "Flat". We had asked his doctor about it and we were just told that it would round out with time so we tried to brush it off as being over protective first time parents. Let me tell you that there is not such thing! Garth and I decided that we should try a different pediatrician for our son because I felt like we were not being heard. Garth was continuing to mention that Grady's head was still "flat" but we kept telling ourselves that we were just being over protective.

At Grady's 6 month check up with his new doctor, whom I love, all was fine except that she mentioned that his head was "Flat"(hmmm I wonder where we heard that before.) This is called "Positional Plagiocephaly" or "Flat Head Syndrome." She decided to send us to a specialist.
When we got home from the appointment we went straight to our computer and started researching everything we could find so that we could have as much documentation as possible when the day came for our appointment with the specialist. I found info about positioning which we had already started and we took pictures. I found some other information but I wanted more and more and more. I really wanted to find a blog to see who else was going through this. But, I did not find much. I did however find that Grady would probably have to wear and helmet (yes a helmet.) I know I should not worry about what other people think but lets face it everyone does! My first thought was that I will keep him in the house for as long as he has it on his head. I am a little better now.

Well today was our appoinment with the Neurosurgeon (yikes.) The doctor was wonderful and so was everyone that we met there. We soon found out that we were all correct he does have Plagio. He will be in a helmet but we do not know how long. We were told over and over that insurance will probably not cover the expences because it is considered "cosmetic" but we want to proceed anyway. I called the Orthopedic's office as soon as we got home to find out how much money we were talking because I had heard it could be anywhere from $3000-$5000, but I was told that it is $1700 at this particular place. Still a lot of money but totally worth it. So we have our next appoinment for another evaluation on Thursday. I will post again when we have more information.

Here we are

Those who know us know that we are a crazy couple who love to make jokes. Basically that is the way that we live our lives. God has given us the abilty to laugh and we choose to use it every chance we get. We have been married now for 4 1/2 years and we are both resonably successful.
My Husband is the man of my dreams and I try to show him everyday that he is the most wonderful man in the world. We have a beautiful little boy who is 6 months old and is such a wonderful gift. Whenever I look at him I cannot believe how much I love him. It makes me realize how much my Savior must love me.
In this first blog I just wanted to tell a little about us, but in my future blogs I will tell more about what is going on in our lives.
Erin and Garth